
在钟表的机芯结构中使用了电子电路的钟表。电子钟表以电为能源。目前有四大类:摆轮式、音叉式指针式和数字式石英钟表。这四类电子钟表,依次被称为第一、第二、第三和第四代电子钟表。其中第三代第四代电子钟表是以大规模集成电路为能动元件,以石英振荡器为振动体,具有极高的计时精度.Watch the movement in the structure of the electronic circuits used in clocks and watches. Electronic clocks and watches to electrical energy. At present there are four categories: pendulum wheel, tuning fork-type Analog and digital quartz table. These four categories of electronic watches and clocks, in turn has been called as the first, second, third and fourth generation of electronic watches and clocks. The third generation of the fourth generation of electronic watches and clocks based on large scale integrated circuit for the dynamic components, quartz oscillators as the vibration body, has a very high timing accuracy.